Book Donation Promotes Learning At Saddlers Secondary

Basseterre, St. Kitts, April 18, 2013 (SKNIS): Students of the Saddlers Secondary School in St. Kitts have received supplementary educational materials, thanks to a donation of books from Hands Across the Sea Inc and the United States Embassy in Barbados.

The books valued at US$1,600.00 were presented at a ceremony on Wednesday April 17, 2013 at the school’s Library. This was witnessed by the Right Honourable Prime Minister Dr. Denzil Douglas, Minister of Education Honourable Nigel Carty,  U.S. Ambassador His Excellency Larry Palmer, Executive Director of Hands Across the Sea (HAS)  Harriet Linskey, as well as the principal, teachers and students of the school.

Principal, Adina Richards explained that the learning tools were received through a grant.

“Applicants were invited to apply for Hands Across the Sea Inc in partnership with US Embassy Barbados Library Book grant of US$1, 600.00 for secondary schools,” she remarked. “And here we are today, the winning school in the Federation.”

Harriet Linskey said HAS is an American Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) that is dedicated to improving literacy in the Eastern Caribbean, by sending “really great books” from a variety of publishers.

“This is done with the view towards creating school libraries, so that children can take books home and bring them back,” she said. “HAS is fostering sustainability of libraries, doing what it takes to keep the libraries going.”

She declared that by keeping these libraries operational; HAS is hoping to empower students, teachers and libraries in order to create a library that will last.

Ambassador Larry Palmer, spoke about the US Embassy’s dedication towards people throughout the region.

“We are committed to empowering and lifting up young people throughout the Caribbean through education, in literacy encouragement programmes,” he said. “By strengthening school libraries, we are giving gifts that never stop giving.”

The U.S. Ambassador affirmed that they are providing generations of school children, with the resources, not just to be better students, but ultimately to be more productive members of their societies. This he said, is how the United States partners with the countries of the Caribbean and the World to help make safer communities.

In St. Kitts and Nevis, about 6000 books have been provided to six different schools, such as the Irish Town Primary and Tyrell Williams Primary Schools.

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