Blue Leads At VOJN

Friday 1st February saw much excitement at the VOJN Primary school.

Not only was the school hosting its annual cross country event but it coincided with a visit to the school, by a delegation from the Ministry of Education, led by Premier Mark Brantley himself.

After the official visit, Premier Brantley did some warm up exercises with the students and was the official starter for the first race, before he departed.

There were four races:

Infant boys and girls and Upper girls and boys.

The infants raced from the school’s gate and through the nearby housing project and back to the school, while the upper boys and girls also started at the school’s gate but ran straight through the project housing area, down to the main road and made a turn back to the school, next to the Newcastle Pottery.

The top results were:



1st  Kevonique Jones-Green

2nd Aksha Tross-Gold

3rd Javonique Nisbett -Gold

Upper boys

1st Stedari Pemberton-Green

2nd Sanjay Constantine-Green

3rd Jesiah Robinson-Blue

Infant girls

1st Kiara Hanley-Blue

2nd Danika Hicks-Gold

3rd Paige Lord –Green

Infant boys

1st Zaniel France-Blue

2nd Dejaun Phillip-Gold

3rd Daonjae Liburd-Green

Point standings


Green 467

Gold 393

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