Belle Vue International School renamed Nevis Academy

By: St. Clair Sazam Hull

(CHARLESTOWN NEVIS)- The Belle Vue International School located at Bath Plain has been officially renamed ‘Nevis Academy’.

Under its theme, ‘A place of learning, transformation and discovery’ the renaming took place during a ceremony on Wednesday, November 27, 2013 at the school premises.

The ceremony began with the invocation by Mr. Orette Smith. This was followed by the National Anthem.

Chairperson of the ceremony, Mrs. Ellen Grant gave the opening remarks. She told the gathering that it was indeed a pleasure, to be a part of such a momentous occasion to witness history in the making. She indicated that the school has always been a major part of the development of our children and the efforts ought to continue despite the renaming. Mrs. Grant also thanked the audience for making a special effort to attend such a historic occurrence.

Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education, Mrs. Lornette Queeley-Connor also gave some brief remarks. She apologized to the audience for the absence of Premier Hon. Vance Amory who was scheduled to make an appearance, but was unable to do so. She indicated that the premier was overseas attending matters of state and she was kindly asked to fill in on his behalf.

Mrs. Queeley-Connor also noted that she was pleased with the fact that Spanish and French were being taught at the institution. She indicated that they were two of her favourite languages. In closing, Mrs. Queeley-Connor commended the school for all it has achieved over the years.

A few remarks were given by Mr. Carl Spadaro, the new owner of the school. He officially declared the school, renamed. He indicated that after visiting Nevis for the first time in 1999 he fell in love with the island as well as its people. The school he believes is he contributing to the youth of this beautiful island.
Mr. Spadaro claimed that Nevis is one of the most beautiful places on Earth. He admonished the adults to live lives that children can emulate. In closing, he thanked all those who have contributed to the school in whatever capacity.

Entertainment was provided by the school’s drumming group. As the students displayed their drumming capabilities, the audience showed its appreciation by clapping and dancing. When it was over they were given a resounding round of applause.

The chairperson told those gathered that the students of the drumming group have hands made of steel, almost identical to that of their trainer and director, Mr. Parris. She continued, “I have never seen or heard anyone who could hit a drum with the power and authority like Mr. Parris does. He is so talented”.

Principal of the school, Mrs. Lucia Wilkinson gave the vote of thanks.

(Photos: Jack Ngumbah)

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