Andrew Nisbett –New President Of The Queen City Taxi Association

Andrew Nisbett –New President Of The Queen City Taxi Association

Charlestown, Nevis – Mr. Andrew Nisbett aka KING HOLLYWOOD is the new President of the Queen City Taxi Association.

The Queen City Taxi Association, held its long-overdue annual general meeting, on Monday 28th September, at the Jessups Community Center.

The Association would not have met in such a setting since March, due to the ongoing COVID -19 crisis and all safety protocols were observed at this special meeting.

The main agenda item was the election of a new executive for the upcoming year.  Long-serving President of the association, Curtis Morton and his equally long-serving deputy, Thelma TC Claxton, who had both served in their respective capacities, for nigh on twenty consecutive years, both indicated that they were not seeking re-election, as they needed younger members to take the helm.  Mr. Nisbett was unanimously elected as President.

The full executive is:
Andrew Nisbett – President
Elorie Rivers – Vice President
Tariq Richards – Treasurer
Vernal Mc Donald – Secretary

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