Accident Report : Nevis

Date of Accident AUGUST 24th, 2023

Time (approx.) Between 8 pm & 9 pm

Location [Nevis] Island Main Road, Stoney Grove, Vicinity of Powell’s Service Station

Vehicle(s) License # PA – 1311 P – 7762

Type Motor Jeep Motor Pick-Up

Owner/Driver (If Not Same as owner) Jerry Cornelius Of Prospect, Nevis. James Liburd Of Pond Hill, Nevis.

Pedestrian 0 Injuries 0 Fatalities 0

Circumstances- Preliminary investigations indicate that both Mr. Cornelius and Mr. Liburd were travelling in the same direction with Mr. Liburd being ahead of Mr. Cornelius.

When they arrived in the vicinity of Powell’s Service Station, Mr. Liburd stopped in the middle of the road, rolled backward and collided into the right-side headlights, bumper and bonnet of Mr. Cornelius’ motor jeep.

Mr. Liburd subsequently left the scene of the accident. An investigation into the incident is ongoing

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