$50,000 in prize money for Panorama Competition this Saturday

$50,000 in prize money for Panorama Competition this Saturday

The winner of the 2021 Panorama Competition in St. Kitts & Nevis will be enjoying a big payday once they are able to capture the hearts of the judges on Saturday, 18th December.

The Carnival Committee has significantly increased the prize monies to be allocated for the top four winners when compared to what was paid out in 2020.

The Committee has revealed that the 2021 winner will be walking home with $15,000, (in 2020 it was $9,000.00).

The Second Placed band is to expect $12,000, ($7,000 in 2020); Third Place, $8,000, ($5,000 in 2020); and Fourth Place, $6,000, ($4,000 in 2020).

Nonplacers will receive $3,000, similar to the purse provided in the previous year.

For now, the rise to the top will be a tough one for the seven bands in the contest, including the 2020 champions, EBJ Harmonics.

The pulsating rhythms of these steel bands will come alive at 8:00 p.m. and like last year, it will be a Virtual event featured on the social media platforms of the Carnival Committee and ZIZ. It will also be carried on ZIZ Television and Radio and Freedom FM.

The past couple of weeks have witnessed a hive of activities in the various band yards, as the musicians tried to perfect their art, knowing that it is going to take more than masterpiece arrangements to capture the coveted title.

From across the two island Federation of St. Kitts & Nevis, the contending forces include Sweet Sticks, which will open the night as the first band on stage.

Each band will be playing a selection of their choice and the catalogue is mixed with pieces from local and overseas artistes. There will be no common Test Piece:

Band/ Selections/Order of Appearance

1. Sweet Sticks – Imagine Dat, by Nu Vybes Band International

2. Nevis Pan Ensemble- Still Hanging by Spicy Ginger

3. Oualie Rhythms-Iron Love by Nailah Blackman

4. EBJ Harmonics- Piece Ah De Road by Speedy

5. Young Vibrations Steel Orchestra-Backyard Jam by Farmer Nappy

6. PantasticsSteel Orchestra-Sunday J’ouverrt by King Konris

7. NGU Steel Orchestra-This Melody by Baron

The competition will be staged at Carnival Village on Victoria Road.

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