A Milestone in St. Kitts And Nevis-France Bilateral Aviation Relations

A milestone in St. Kitts and Nevis-France bilateral aviation development was sealed on 17th May last in Paris with the submission of a new St. Kitts and Nevis-France air services agreement covering the French Antilles and the Federation.

The agreement came into force on 2nd June 2024 and constitutes a bilateral agreement governing reciprocal touch-down rights between St. Kitts and Nevis and the wider French Caribbean islands, notably Martinique and Guadeloupe. It provides for the opening of touchdown rights between the two nations, for airline carriers designated by both nations. This is seen as a solid basis for encouraging airlines to invest in and develop the aviation market in the wider Caribbean region.

A virtual signing ceremony was held in St. Kitts and Nevis on 24th April last, in the presence of the Honourable Marsha Henderson, Minister of Tourism, Civil Aviation, International Transport, Employment and Labour and Urban Development

The signing was witnessed by the Honorary Consul of the French Republic to St. Kitts and Nevis, Ms Shawna Lake, and attended by Mr Errol Jones, Air Transport Board/ECCAA representative, Mr Royston Griffin, Head, Civil Aviation Division, and Mrs Jessica Bass-Boddie, executive officer, Department of Civil Aviation

The agreement replaces existing aviation agreements, whilst integrating the current Air internationally, and the Eastern Caribbean Civil Aviation Authority, transport requirements.

Pre-agreement negotiations between the two countries, facilitated by Dr David P. Doyle, the Federation’s honorary consul to France and its Ambassador to UNESCO in Paris, were characterised by the recognition of both parties about the prospects of the increased number of frequencies available to the existing and new designated air carriers of each party.

In a brief handing-over session held in Paris on 17th May last, Dr Doyle entrusted the final signed agreement document to Mr Emmanuel Vivet, Deputy Director of Air Services at the French Civil Aviation Authority (DGAC).

Stated Ambassador Doyle: “This represents a milestone in the Federation’s relations with France and the French Antilles, in offering a boost to intra-regional travel between both parties. It opens up compelling opportunities for bilateral tourism, commercial trade and strengthening cultural relations between our long-standing neighbouring islands”

Similar bilateral aviation agreements have been reached by the French civil aviation authority (DGAC) with Aruba, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Antigua, all being operational over the summer season.

In a statement, DGAC’s Emmanuel Vivet noted “Signing aviation agreements between French Caribbean islands and our neighbours in the region is important. While long-haul air links are good, we feel a strong need to develop short to medium-haul flights in the region, where there is good potential for growth. We hope to see air relations and connections grow with St Kitts and Nevis, whose negotiating team was very professional. The working atmosphere with St Kitts was great and we see this as a very positive sign for the future.”

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