Charlestown-Nevis-Wednesday 13th April was a very important day for the residents and Caregivers at the Flambuoyant Senior citizens home, in Charlestown.

On that day, there was a double birthday celebration for two of the residents there.
On that day, Marjorie MARGE HELEN Warren got to the significant milestone of 90 years and fellow resident, Angelica Webbe, would have scored 95 on Friday 15th April.
As per usual, Coordinator of the seniors’ division, Mrs. Garcia Hendrickson and her team, were on hand to celebrate with the two ladies.

In the brief ceremony chaired by Mrs. Hendrickson and held at the home, the invocation was done by Mrs. Glorita Vaughn and Caregiver for the area, Miss Angela Challenger presented the scripture reading.

All present then joined in the singing of the well known hymn TO GOD BE THE GLORY and then brief remarks were delivered by Asst. Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Social Development, Miss D. Michelle Liburd, who apologized for the absence of Minister Hon. Hazel Brandy-Williams who was at a cabinet meeting.
She noted: “Life is a gift from God and long life is a blessing.”

She further quoted a passage of scripture in the book of Leviticus which admonished that ‘we should rise before the elderly and honour old age.’
She congratulated the two seniors on the achievement of their milestones and asked for God’s continued blessings on their lives.

She then presented a plaque and a fruit basket in collaboration with the City Drug store, to both celebrants.
Mrs. Olivia Jones-Stanley then rendered a poem entitled ‘the youthful grace.’
Some of the family members then expressed thanks to the Ministry and all those who made the celebrations so enjoyable.

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