IFAIR: Call for applications

The Young Initiative on Foreign Affairs and International Relations (IFAIR) organizes LACalytics. Young experts from Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) and the Euro- pean Union (EU) co-author 20 articles on four macro themes, which will be published on various online platforms as well as in a printed policy paper. The authors of the best articles will additionally be chosen to participate in a final conference in October 2016.

!Call for Applications

LACalytics, IFAIR ́s most recent program, produces in-depth analyses of current topics in Latin American politics, economics and social life as well as EU-LAC relations which affect the youth in Latin America. Under the patronage of Mr Lamlé, the Regional Re- presentative for Latin America and the Caribbean of the German Federal Foreign Office, it seeks to create an environment supporting sustainable partnership between both con- tinents.

Due to our young perspective and the interregional writing teams, LACalytics provides articles that go beyond the information of other experts in the fields of science, media and diplomacy. We make your voice count! Our unique, young analyses of the issues will be presented on various online media. Moreover, the best authors will be featured in a printed policy publication and also be invited to discuss their analyses at a final confe- rence with high-level stakeholders and policymakers. We will provide a range of scho- l!arships for the attendance of the final conference based on financial need and merit.

About the Program

The LACalytics program will run between February and October 2016. In spring you will be matched with a co-author based on interests and experience. Once you get to know each other you will have eight weeks to find a common policy issue and write your pa- per. Upon finalization, the LACalytics team will review, edit and publish the papers on selected partner platforms. In October 2016, the best authors will be invited to participa- t!e in a conference to meet relevant stakeholders and present the common policy paper.

About the Articles

We are expecting a diverse range of authors and interests. Hence, the articles will be covering cross-cutting issues throughout the disciplines. They should be approximately 1500 words long and be written in journalistic prose. We are offering you to follow two writing tracks:

  1. You and your co-author focus on a topic at macro-level. In your article you identify relevant actors and analyze the problem at hand. As this writing track is concerned with broader topics, it is sufficient to provide a holistic analysis of the problem at hand. This means that you are not required to develop a solution or policy recom-



mendation. The given insights should, however, be sufficient to provide enough re- levant information to discuss the issue at our final conference.

Example: How can the experiences made during the development of the Euro- pean Union be applied to overcome barriers of regional integration in Latin Ame- rica?

  1. You and your co-author pick a micro-level case study, such as a specific issue from your region or another smaller problem you find interesting. Your article will not only analyze the dimensions of the problem, but develop concrete problem-solving ideas or policy recommendations.

Example: Local Population – What were the lessons learned from the world foot- ball championship in Brazil in 2014 and how can they support the local populati- on in Rio in face of the upcoming Olympic Games in 2016?

Selected Topics and Subcategories for Articles are: Politics:

  • Conflict
    • Challenges of Regional Governance and International Cooperation • Political Movements
    • Democracy, Corruption and Rule of Law
    • Interregional Trade and Free Trade Agreements
    • Economic Integration
    • Sustainable Growth and Development Cooperation


  • Climate Change
    • Cooperation for Environmental Governance
    • Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
    • Market-based Conservation Strategies
    Civil Society:
    • Youth Unemployment
    • Education
    • Civil-Society Movements and Social Transformation • Sports as a Catalyst for Social Change



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