There wasn’t a huge crowd at the ET Willet Park but the persons who were present would agree unanimously that they were treated to a rare exhibition of ball skills, featuring the fairer sex.
It was Bath United versus Conaree, in an all female encounter.
Conaree scored first in the first half but the goal keeper and defensive team for Conaree were severely tested in the second half, as time ran out on the Bath team, in their endeavour to equalize.
Three times, the Conaree goal keeper pulled off stunning saves.
However, she eventually conceded a goal, when Rozel Liburd ran through and left her flat footed, to simply tap the ball into the back of the net.
Final score line: Conaree 1 Bath 1.
The goal scorer for Conaree was Dalencia Roberts and the goal scorer for Bath was Rozel Liburd.
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