The Violent Crime Unit (VCU) is investigating a shooting incident which occurred at New Road in the vicinity of the CONTEC Bus Stand about 10:45 AM on Thursday 30 July 2015, which resulted in one person hospitalised.
Initial investigations revealed that a number of People Empowerment Programme (PEP) workers were conducting their work when a silver motor car drove down the Boulevard. Three armed masked assailants alight from the vehicle and discharged loaded fire arms at the group of men. The assailants got back into the vehicle and sped away, drove in to the Shadwell area. Glenford Percival of New Road was injured in his right shoulder and was taken to the hospital for medical attention where he is warded in stable condition.
Police officers of the SSU, K9 Unit, VCU, Crime Scene Unit, Stapleton and Basseterre Police Stations visited the scene and conducted investigations.
Anyone who has any information pertaining to this incident is ask to contact the VCU at 467-1886, 467-1887, or 467-1888, the nearest police station, or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-8477 (TIPS). Remember, you do not have to provide your personal information and you maybe eligible to receive a reward.