Analdo Browne spared a jail sentence by Magistrate Clarke

By: Gavincia Clarke

(CHARLESTOWN, NEVIS)- At the District ‘C’ Magistrate Court on Tuesday, March 26, 2013 the tears of Marcus Mills may have saved his cousin Analdo Browne from serving a jail sentence at Her Majesty’s Prison in St. Kitts.

District 'C' Magistrate Court
District ‘C’ Magistrate Court

Analdo ‘Nandy’ Browne and Marcus Mills both appeared in court facing charges of receiving stolen goods. The incident is said to have taken place sometime between the dates of November 5th to November 26th of last year. Browne pleaded guilty to receiving one (1) Whirl pool Refrigerator, one (1) chair set and one (1) bed and mattress all valued a total of $6300.00 E.C. On the other hand Mills pleaded not guilty for the charges and as a result Police Prosecution offered no evidence against him.

The facts of the case as read by Police Prosecution, Inspector Trevor Mills is that Spencer Mills of Nisbett Settlement who is the caretaker of Robin Davy’s home, secured the property on November 5th, 2012 and upon returning on November 25th, 2012 he noticed that the home was broken into and a number of items were stolen.

A report was made at the Newcastle Police Station and acting on information received Constable Henry executed a search warrant on the premises of the defendant where the items were retrieved.

Browne begged Her Honor, Magistrate Yasmine Clarke for mercy. He said he was working three jobs and can pay for the items. Browne in his address to the court promised Her Honor that this would be the last time appearing before her. He acknowledged that he had a bad past but he begged for leniency.

To this Her Honor stated, ‘I think you are going to get that young man in some serious trouble. Since you have gone to live with him he has been appearing before me. I think I should separate you guys now’.

Nervously Browne begged for mercy and stated that he was the one who looked after his cousin and the house. Tears ran down Mills’ face after hearing the intentions of the Magistrate.

The burden was lifted off their shoulders when Her Honor stated, ‘I’m going to give you a chance for that young man’s sake because I would not like him to lose his mother’s house’. She further stated, ‘you have been appearing before me for years, it seems as if you must get into trouble or trouble always follow you. I’m only granting you the chance for that young man’s sake’.

Browne was then fined $2000.00 to be paid in 3 months or serve 18 months imprisonment.

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