RSS Juniour Leaders Level CVQ Course Sucessfully Course

The RSS Junior Leaders Level 3 CVQ (Caribbean Vocational Qualification) Course 1/2024 successfully concluded on September 13th, 2024. The course, which began on August 5th, 2024, was hosted by St. Kitts. This training initiative brought together twenty participants from various member states, including St. Kitts and Nevis, Antigua, Barbados, St. Lucia, Grenada, and Guyana, to foster regional cooperation and professional development in security leadership. The attendees included four soldiers from the St. Kitts – Nevis Defence Force (SKNDF) and three police officers from the Royal St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force (RSCNPF).

The participants were guided by four experienced instructors from Antigua, Grenada, and St. Kitts. During the course, they covered topics such as effective leadership, group dynamics, planning and implementing change, human rights, patrolling techniques, emergency care and management, crime scene management, logistics and administration in internal security, evidence handling, crowd control, and more. The participants also engaged in practical exercises, including live range drills, incident command simulations in collaboration with the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), and field expertise exercises encompassing various tactical drills. Additionally, they participated in land navigation exercises both by day and night, further enhancing their operational readiness.

The closing ceremony was held at the St. Kitts Customs and Excise Department’s conference room and was attended by distinguished guests, including the current RSS Chairman, Prime Minister Hon. Dr. Terrance Drew, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of National Security Glenroy Blanchette, Deputy Commissioner of Police Cromwell Henry, Acting Commander of the St. Kitts – Nevis Defence Force Kayode Sutton, and other local and regional law enforcement officers and personnel.

To ensure the highest standards of training, regional and local assessors collaborated with the Ministry of Education and the TVET Council, and the course participants successfully met the requirements and were awarded a Level 3CVQ certificate, equivalent to an Associate’s degree. Course instructors were also awarded this certification, further enhancing their professional credentials.


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