PM Drew Calls for Unity on National Heroes Day in St Kitts &Nevis

Prime Minister Terrance Drew lays a wreath at the National Heroes Park in St Kitts and Nevis. Photo: SKN Information Service.

Prime Minister Dr Terrance Drew wants St Kitts and Nevis residents to unite as they build the twin-island federation towards becoming a strong and prosperous nation.

In his address at today’s 26th National Heroes Day celebrations, Drew said islanders can learn a lot from the country’s five national icons.

“Over the past year, we have faced challenges that tested our resolve. Yet we have emerged stronger, more together and more determined to continue the work that our heroes began,” he said.

“Sir Robert Llewellyn Bradshaw, our first national hero whose leadership paved the way for independence, remains a source of inspiration not only for us here in St Kitts and Nevis but through the region and indeed the world. His legacy reminds us that true leadership is measured not by the ease of the journey but by the impact it has on the lives of others.”

He continued: “On this National Heroes Day, I challenge all of us to embrace the spirit of our heroes. Let us be the change makers, the visionaries, and leaders our nation needs. Together as one people, proud and strong, we can continue to build the St Kitts and Nevis that honours the legacy of our past while boldly stepping into the future.”

Drew praised the island’s “unsung heroes” such as farmers, teachers and small business owners, who are the driving forces behind the country’s economy.

Following the speech, Drew and Governor General Marcella Liburd laid wreaths paying tribute to the national heroes.

They were followed by the families of Bradshaw, Paul Southwell, Sir Joseph Nathaniel France and Simeon Daniel who placed wreaths at the feet of bronze statues in the National Heroes Park.

The country’s only living national hero, Sir Kennedy Simmonds, was presented with a floral arrangement.

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