Conaree Fireball International Drub Patriots 5-1

: Conaree Fireball International’s Kalieve Nisbett

Conaree Fireball International registered a huge 5-1 win over Lodge Patriots in SKNFA Division 1 action on Tuesday, April 2, at the National Bank Group of Companies Technical Center in St. Peters. Goal scorers for Conaree: Kalieve Nisbett in the 17th minute, Naje Berridge in the 47th minute, Leslian Dasent in the 59th and 66th minutes and I-dee Caines in the 67th min. Josh Liburd scored the lone goal from Lodge in the 34th minute.

Kalieve Nisbett of Conaree Fireball noted the three points were important to the team. “We wanted the points because we weren’t doing what we were doing in training. So, this game showed us what we needed to do,” Nisbett said. He has a simple solution to keeping this momentum for Conaree: “Keep doing what we are doing and keep training,” he said

Meanwhile, Sair Morton a player with Lodge Patriots said his team’s performance is one of the worst he has seen. “This is by far the worst I have ever seen us play today. I think maybe we came into the game lackadaisical, and complacent thinking it’s a lesser team.

From the start of the game that’s how we played and conceded easy goals and we never actually picked up pace,” Morton explained. “It’s just back to the drawing board and regroup again,” he added.

Division 1 football continues on Wednesday and Thursday this week.

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