TDC Scholarship alumnus advises Bronte Welsh School students on how to qualify
Mr Warren Moving, Company Secretary, the St. Kitts Nevis Anguilla Trading and Development Company (TDC) Limited, and Chair of the Warren C. Tyson Memorial Scholarship Public Primary Schools Tour, addressing the students.
BASSETERRE, ST. KITTS, June 5, 2023 (MMS-SKN) — Students of the West Basseterre-based Bronte Welsh Primary School were on Friday, June 2 given tips on how they could qualify to be recipients of the prestigious TDC Warren C. Tyson Memorial Scholarship Programme, whose alumni include Prime Minister the Hon Dr Terrance Drew.
“There are three things that you need to do: 1 – Academics. You need to excel academically; you need to do well in all of your courses and also behave well in school,” advised Mr Noah G. Mills, a past recipient of the scholarship programme. “The second one is sports and athletics. The third one is what we call extra-curricular volunteer work in your community.”

The TDC Group of Companies, which is celebrating its 50th anniversary under the theme ‘Your Neighbour, Your Partner, Your Future’, launched as part of the anniversary celebrations a ‘Warren C. Tyson Memorial Scholarship Public Primary Schools Tour’, under which Mr Mills visited the Bronte Welsh Primary School, to showcase its longstanding academic excellence initiative.
The presenter, who is a well-known Entrepreneur/Consultant/Business Coach, and a former National Carnival Chairman, was accompanied by Mr Warren Moving, Company Secretary, the St. Kitts Nevis Anguilla Trading and Development Company (TDC) Limited.
At the school, they were welcomed by Principal Mrs Darniesha Williams, school teachers who included Class Teacher Ms Wenola Harry, who gave the vote of thanks, and students who surprised Mr Mills by not only answering questions he posed to them but also asking him questions.
“The company itself targets primary school students from all over St. Kitts as well as Nevis,” Mr Mills told the attentive students. “288 students have passed through that programme. What TDC has done for you both in St. Kitts and Nevis is to create an opportunity for you to develop personally and professionally.”

One student asked him where he lives. His answer: “I live where you have the best primary school in St. Kitts. Where is the best primary school?” They unanimously shouted: “Bronte Welsh.” He said “No! The best primary school is SP (Sandy Point), where …” he was drowned out by a loud and sustained rumble ‘Nooooo!’
To encourage the students, Mr Mills asked the teachers to point out to him one child each who would have excelled in academics, and in sports/athletics. The teachers chose Miss Treviah James of Grade Six, for Academics, and Miss Dujoniese Phillip of Grade Two, for sports/athletics. Mr Mills chose Miss Aisha Nakeda of Grade Six for volunteerism based on how she presented herself as she explained what volunteerism was all about.
The three pupils were each presented with a cash token of $25.00 to buy lunch or to save the money in their bank accounts if they had already made prior arrangements as it related to their lunch.
Mr Warren Moving, who is also a member of the TDC 50th Anniversary Steering Committee, and Chair of the Warren C. Tyson Memorial Scholarship Public Primary Schools Tour, in making a presentation of a TDC Gift Card valued at $500 to school Principal Mrs Darniesha Williams noted it was a token of the company’s appreciation for the school having partnered with TDC over the years.
“Now this year, and in previous years and in 1981, TDC partnered with the Ministries of Education in both St. Kitts and Nevis when we started the TDC Warren C. Tyson Memorial Scholarship Programme,” said Mr Moving. “Several students have benefitted from that programme, and this year we have with us to make a presentation with you about this programme, Mr Noah Mills.”