Sica lauds Dominican Republic’s model for Sargassum management

Source: News Nation-World
Santo Domingo.- The Central American Integration System (SICA) today commended the creation of the Multisectoral Table for the Integrated Management of Sargassum established by the Ministry of the Environment of the Dominican Republic.

Jair Uriola, executive secretary of the Central American Commission for the Environment and Development of SICA indicated that this country is a benchmark for the priority given by the authorities to search for solutions to the presence of these macroalgae on their beaches and beaches. Country. ,

Uriola indicated to the National Awakening Program that this body – as an integrating system – has a mission to join efforts to solve this problem, which affects the entire region.

In this sense, he indicated that SICA would promote the establishment of national tables in the rest of the country, as well as the creation of a regional commission to work in a coordinated manner on that objective.

The table created by the Dominican Republic has as a fundamental axis the creation of a comprehensive and sustainable management plan for Sargassum, allowing the application of short, medium and long-term strategies.

They recalled that at the 56th Meeting of Sica Heads of State and/or Government, leaders expressed concern that sargassum “floods the seas and beaches of the Greater Caribbean, severely affecting marine flora and fauna and tourism” , the main economic activity of most island nations.

Last Friday, the Dominican Republic won the unanimous support of the Association of Caribbean States (ACS) member states to treat sargassum as a regional emergency during the organization’s summit held in Guatemala.

In the “Declaration of Antigua” signed this Friday, the Heads of State and/or Government expressed their views and commitments about the challenges and opportunities facing the Greater Caribbean countries.

A key aspect of the document was the recognition of climate change as one of the biggest threats to the region, which puts its inhabitants at risk and hinders the development of economic activity on which millions of people depend.

In this sense, the Sargassum outbreak was declared an “emergency”, with a commitment to cooperate to find a solution to the problem.

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