The Way I See It-

The way I see it, the death angel is lingering across Nevis.
Within the past few weeks, we have learnt of quite a number of deaths across our beautiful island.
When I was growing up, basically only OLD people were dying. Nowadays, age is not a factor, People of all ages, are passing away—some so suddenly that it is really scary, and most of them have nothing to do with the dreaded covid-19.
Well I newa!
Some of the folks I knew personally. Some I just have a bare passing knowledge of.
Marlon Tyrell played very good Football and also played Cricket.
Barbara Hobson-Farrell was one of TDC’s top employees. She was customer friendly and handled her job with a sense of professionalism.
The young lady, who passed away in BEST Buy’s yard, I would have seen her before, but did not know personally.
The list goes on…….
The message however, seems to be resonating loud and clear:
“Get thy house in order!’
Look at it seriously:
No matter your age, you can leave home; have big plans for the day and never get back home.
You can just drop down dead!
Some of us are walking around like ticking time bombs, ready to explode.
Some of us men especially, do not like to go to the Doctor to get annual checkups and have no clue as to the state of our health and yet some of us parade around as if we are so invincible—talking down to people; imposing our wills on the lives of others and just being plain old mean and disingenuous.
Not realizing that our time is short and that we have to make ‘our calling and election sure.’
Even though, there has been a drastic reduction in the cases of covid -19 in the federation, we still have to be extremely careful and observe the necessary protocols.
Now that the cases have decreased, I am seeing that sense of carelessness creeping back into our society.
One day, I was in a line at a well-known establishment in town and as I looked across the road, I observed a young man heading towards a particular eating establishment.
As he approached the stairway, he suddenly sneezed.
Maybe he was caught off guard, but he covered his nose with both hands-open palms.
So what came out of his nostrils, would have ended in both of his hands.
I then watched in amazement, as he held on to the railing and proceeded up the stairs.
Now, let us process this:
Thinks about the next customers going up that stairway, holding on to the railing…..
You get my drift?
Do you see why it is so important to wash our hands regularly with soap and running water and sanitize regularly as well?
Only God knows the dangers that we are exposed to on a daily basis.
My admonition is for us to avoid what we can avoid.
Live lives in as healthy a manner as possible.
Get regular checkups and having done all of that, subject our wills and our lives to God almighty, because despite our best efforts, the devil is there waiting to snuff us out, at the earliest opportunity.
May God help us to be wise in our decision making.
That’s the way I see it. How do you see it?

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