The Way I See It

By:Curtis Morton
The way I see it, this week, it was THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO MATTHEW.
Hurricane Matthew wreaked havoc across the Caribbean, over the last week.
It scared Jamaica into panic mode; killed over 800 persons in Haiti—and counting; slam dunked the Bahamas and scared the jitters out of our good friends in Florida, who were seen flooding the supermarkets and the gas stations, ahead of its inevitable arrival.
Then on Wednesday, we got the shock of our lives when the sea water in our localized areas, started to KICK-UP.
The boats were unable to make their scheduled runs and the water was just beating over the Charlestown sea wall and getting closer and closer to the TDC store area.
The Samuel Hunkins Drive was literally covered with water and it was soon discovered that sections of it were damaged.
That little useful pier close to Gallows Bay, the one that people like to jump off….that too was damaged.
I understand that the Four Seasons pier also suffered some degree of damage.
Don’t talk about the area down by Sunshine’s!
If you were planning to go there for lunch on Wednesday, you may have needed a boat.
Well I newa!
One official at the Vance Amort Int. Airport, indicated that the inclement weather conditions were due to the passage of a tropical disturbance.
However, other reports are indicating that the disturbance close to or shores, was as a result of the tailspin of Hurricane Matthew.
Well I newa!
Do you realize what am thinking?
Supposed Matthew had passed closer to us?
We were again saved by the mercies of God, cause Nevis can’t afford to take a hard lick right now. Not even a little lick……

Now if that was just Matthew, thank God he won’t be followed by Mark, Luke and John!
Seriously though, we have to thank God for his grace and mercy to us ward and continue to trust in him.
May we seek to assist the people of Haiti, wherever possible and continue to pray for their welfare.
That’s the way I see it. How do you see it?

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