2023-2024 Samal Duggins Finding Your Passion Scholarship Awardees Named
Hon Samal Duggins with the Samal Duggins Finding Your Passion Scholarship awardees, l-r Master Orrin Hughes, Miss Haley James, Miss Darnye Williams, Miss Treviah James, Master Imari Liburd, Miss Kaaliyah Pereira, and Master Anthony Pedereaux.
BASSETERRE, ST. KITTS, August 11, 2023 (MMS-SKN) — The four awardees of the 2023-2024 Samal Duggins Finding Your Passion Scholarship programme were announced last week, Friday, August 4, at a colourful ceremony that was held at the La Cucina Italian Restaurant at the St. Kitts Marriott Resort in Frigate Bay, which was also attended by their parents.

The four awardees each aged 11 years, who will in September be joining the Verchilds High School the alma mater of their benefactor the Hon Samal Duggins, are Miss Darnye Williams and Master Imari Liburd from the Tyrell Williams Primary School, along with Miss Treviah James, and Master Najique Forde from the Bronte Welsh Primary School.
“I want to take a special moment to acknowledge students that are here today under the Finding Your Passion Scholarship,” said the Hon Duggins as he welcomed the awardees, parents and guardians. Hon Samal Duggins is the Area Parliamentary Representative for St. Christopher 4, and Federal Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries, Marine Resources and Cooperatives; Small Business and Entrepreneurship; and Sports and The Creative Economy.
He explained that he was saying ‘thank you’ to them because he was looking at empowerment and how they could get empowered, advising them that a number of years back he was gifted a scholarship when he was leaving Grade Six. “That scholarship changed my life…,” he was unable to continue as he was overcome by emotion.

“It was an emotional and tear-jerking experience at the St, Kitts Marriott Resort, marking a transformative journey that began 18 years ago and was relaunched in 2021,” the Honourable Minister later wrote on his official Facebook page. “This scholarship is a holistic approach to education, cultivating well-rounded individuals with a focus on passions.”
The Hon Duggins, who was accompanied by his wife Mrs Ermelin Sebastian-Duggins, observed that once he left school he started working as a teacher at the Verchilds High School, and it was at that time that he initially started the scholarship.
While one of the awardees, Master Najique Forde was not present, he was ably represented by his mother Ms Anthonette Forde. Miss Treviah James had her parents, Ms Gerana Joseph and Mr Trevon James present; awardee Miss Darnye Williams was in the company of her mother, Ms Darneisha Williams, who is also the Principal of the

Bronte Welsh Primary School; while Awardee Master Imari Liburd was accompanied by his parents Ms Marise Browne and Mr Imran Liburd.
Giving a motivational speech to the scholarship awardees was a former scholarship holder of the St. Christopher and Nevis Social Security Board, Attorney at Law at the Attorney General’s Chambers, Ms Kiwana Browne, who in quoting Bishop T. D. Jakes, told the awardees: “If you cannot find your purpose, find your passion, for your passion will lead you right to your purpose.”
To witness the induction of the new scholarship awardees were the 2022-2023 awardees of the Samal Duggins Finding Your Passion Scholarship, Master Orrin Hughes, Miss Kaaliyah Pereira, Master Anthony Perdereaux, and Miss Haley James, who were also accompanied by their parents.

All the Samal Duggins Finding Your Passion Scholarship awardees were presented with gift baskets, but the 2023-2024 awardees were further presented with an HP 14 Laptop each. The teachers present were also presented with gift baskets before they broke off for a late breakfast served at the La Cucina Italian Restaurant. A vote of thanks was delivered by Mrs Ermelin Sebastian-Duggins.
The ceremony which was chaired by the Press Secretary in the Ministries of Agriculture, Fisheries, Marine Resources and Cooperatives; Small Business and Entrepreneurship; Sports and the Creative Economy, Ms Azariah Vanterpool, was also attended by Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Ms Delrine Taylor.
Teachers present at the ceremony included the Principal of the Bronte Welsh Primary School, Ms Darneisha Williams; the Deputy Principal of the Tyrell Williams Primary School, Ms Thuvia Browne; the Grade Six teacher at the Tyrell Williams Primary School, Ms Joan Morris; and Secretary of the Tyrell Williams Primary School, Ms Aresia Pereira.